I browse the craigslist personals when I feel like making fun of people and it usually makes me giggle. However, it is absolutely disgusting the number of legitimate ads in existence that are married people looking to start affairs. That's so much worse than like, I dunno, falling accidentally into one with a coworker or something. People that rush themselves into marriage are actual retards. Communicate with your spouse before you start diddling your neighbor.
I recently got on Skype in order to talk to a dear friend of mine who happens to live in Austria. He's my only friend on it and I don't ever search for people on Skype. The other day, though, this guy sends me an instant message accidentally because he was looking for a different Shea. We talked for a couple of minutes and realized that we live pretty close to each other and have a lot in common, blah blah. He's 26, I'm 23. He didn't have a picture of himself so I just figured he was some creeper until he opened up the video chat window and just so happened to be incredibly attractive. So, he's acting all ridiculous like we're soul mates that accidentally skyped into each other or something and then he tells me that he's married. It really pissed me off and then he continued to say inappropriate things to me for a couple of weeks. He kept trying to get me to meet up with him and plan all these times for us to chat while his wife would be at work. I finally blocked him because I'm not about to get caught up in that crap but still. Why get married if you still have wandering eyes? If you had bad sex before you got married then you're going to have bad sex while you're married. If you were uncertain about marriage before you got married then you're going to flip the fuck out once you are actually married. It's not hard.
I'm not anti-marriage or anything but I wish people would think a lot harder about what it actually means to get married and stay married. It's about loving someone 100% and with all of your pieces forever and until always without hesitation and not putting that love at stake for anything or anyone. It's not easy and we're only human but I am a firm believer that true love exists but requires a decent amount of maintenance. Life is only an accumulation of experiences and our own individual experiences/how we interpret them are what define us so whatever you choose to do with your time is completely fine but if you choose to get married and produce baby humans then please be in it for the long haul. Thanks and happy Sunday!
My head hurts.
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