Monday, November 9, 2009

baby friends and helpless humans

today I saved a caterpillar!
he was on the sidewalk
and I was afraid he'd get squished 
so to the amusement of some passersby
I put him on a leaf and then under a bush
where he'd be safe and free to fashion his cocoon 
and fly away someday, free!
I walked away thinking I made a difference
in the life of a helpless creature
but then I came back 
and the bugger was in the sidewalk again
so I thought, "why in the world?!"
but then I realized that it's not up to me
none of this is up to me!
so I put him back under the bush
and out of my mind
I'm not in control now but I was for a minute

Friday, November 6, 2009

touch bodies

living about in my reckless world is easy if you live without thinking of anything that has made me who I am compared to who I was I am the same but no one knows that and with good reason they bring me to pieces and I patch them together again and again to know that you love and that I once loved too why am I so happy without you I could never be happy once you take my hand I won't stop until my tears have dried I love that I still love you always keep my hand in your hand in my reckless world I'll keep you close let me feed your emotions with my love my love is with you now let me touch your hand please keep my hand